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Hello, I'm Wojciech đź‘‹

Why stay on a sinking ship?

You might want to ask yourself - who’d want to stay on a sinking ship like Twitter? Well, obviously a whole bunch of people and they had good reasons for it:

  • Mission. They could believe in Elon’s new vision for the platform.
  • Startup experience in a “household name” company. Usually you need to pick whether you get the “thrown into deep water” startup experience, or you collect years of working for a well-known company on your CV. Currently, with all the chaos that’s happening, in Twitter you can do both.
  • Opportunities. It’s still a big company where a lot of high-level positions just got vacated.


Have a good one,



PS. I have lovingly crafted this email using only the best artisanal keystrokes. If you find come across any typos, feel free to fix them yourself and enjoy this new, unique, kintsugi version.

Hello, I'm Wojciech đź‘‹

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