
Hello, I'm Wojciech đź‘‹

Sharing Knowledge

I already mentioned one of the reasons I started this list - to practise communicating ideas. Today I want to discuss another one - to share my knowledge.

I've had a (successful, I'd say) software engineering career for about 16 years, so I think it's time to start sharing what I've learnt along the way. There's more and more engineers entering the field every year, so there's more and more need to learn from the mistakes of others. That's the easiest way forward.

So, I've created this list to share experiences, ideas (and mistakes!) that I wish I'd known myself back in the past. Whether it's 5, 10, or 15 years ago. I'll be publishing here what I consider helpful software engineering tips. Sometimes more philosophical - more of a food for thought, sometimes more actionable - techniques, or frameworks. But all of it - useful.

And here's today's tip for you - when you're considering sharing your own knowledge (whether in a blog post you're supposed to write, or a conference talk that you'd like to give) the easiest way to figure out WHAT to share is to ask yourself what you know now, but wish you'd known a year (or three) ago. I bet there's plenty of people like you out there.

Have a good one,


Hello, I'm Wojciech đź‘‹

Subscribe to read my programming experiences, ideas, mistakes and tips I wish I'd known myself earlier. Learn how to enable high-performing teams, make an impact, grow as a software engineer and level up your career.

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